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Tag: appreciative inquiry

Making molehills out of mountains

Oh! I do like this expression. How do we solve large problems or answer large questions? Break the question into as many small questions as we can.

And if we are group or a family, do the same thing. Brainstorm the question and ask everyone to contribute, “two or three (neither more or less) specific things” about how they will be affected by the big question.

Bang on time – this will be useful this weekend!

UPDATE:  Bang on time again.  This is an important hack to add to a manager’s quiver.  2 or 3 specific things (neither more or less) about how they will be affected by the big question!!

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29% using Appreciative Inquiry

Thanks to Jon Ingham, I had a look at a Melcrum report on employee engagement. 29% of employers who use a formal scheme to engage employees use appreciative inquiry. Well 29% of 25% is 8% – that is a lot of employers. That is the most welcome news of 2008.

Anyone else interested in this, particularly if you are in the UK, please do contact me.

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