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Tag: collective purpose

Which sector are you in to and how does that affect the social media that you do?

Social media, advertising & FMCG’s

Lots of my friends in social media have been chasing what, I imagine, they see as lucrative work for advertising and media agencies. Seeking Alpha has an article today that they should read.

Seeking Alpha explains the income statement of FMCG firms.  FMCG’s, like Coca-Cola, stack them high and sell them cheap.  FMCG = fast moving consumer goods.

Collectively, FMCG’s account for 40% to 50% of the world’s advertising.

The flip side of this small fact is this.  If you are chasing advertising accounts, then you are probably chasing work with FMCG’s.  It’s worth knowing that.

The alternatives, of course, are durables and cars, which are relatively slow moving; capital intensive firms like aerospace.  There must be a 4th category.  There always is in business theory which is fond of 2×2’s.  The public sector is another.

Social media and collective purpose

Personally, I am a little more interested in social media for collective purposes – like disaster response, for example. When we compare the task of coming together to achieve something quickly with individual behavior, like grabbing a fizzy drink, we can see that social media has to be be vastly different.

Which sector are you in to and how does that affect the social media that you do?

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Why do we abandon our hopes? A visceral demo.

Find a quiet place where you have a moment to enter your imagination and notice your own reactions.  Then read this slowly.

What happens when we connect, strength with strength, and hope with hope?

Close your eyes, or if that is not possible where you are, look upwards to the ceiling and concentrate.  What happens when we connect strength with strength and hope with hope?

We know what happens.  We’ve always known.  But in a flash, our minds push aside what brought a fleeting smile. To bring it back, we must reread the question, and holding the happiness bursting from our chests, ask why: why can’t we keep it?

It is not a secret.  We do know why.  We fear our imagination cannot take wing in the maelstrom of the strengths and hopes. Impossible, we say, and we abandon our fleeting happiness with not even a good-bye.

Read the question again. What happens when we connect strength with strength and hope with hope?

Enough you say. No. Not enough. Read the question again, and this time connect strength with strength and hope with hope. Connect with strengths and hopes in the maelstrom.

Watch the confusion simplify. And connect again. And again.

And know that it is possible to do what we know happens when we connect strengths with strength and hope with hope.

In the maelstrom, there are many hopes and strengths yearning for you to invite them in.

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Synergy – an undervalued idea

Synergy is not a word I like but do we have a better word for describing productive interaction between people? Alex from alwaysnewmistakes writes on how essential synergy is to doing well. Yeah. What a great post contrasting Venice in the time of Vivaldi with Silicon Valley of today. True, true, true.

And Alex makes the further point that it is not enough to be close to abundance. One must take part. My favorite author David Whyte puts it like this:

“I want to know if you are prepared to live in the world with its harsh need to change you.”

Some months ago, I also picked some criteria for the conditions for synergy from an academic paper by David A Lane (I’ve lost the url, unfortunately.)

a. We must have a reason to interact (e.g., you make cheese and I like to eat cheese)

b. Our roles must be complementary (e.g, you sell and I buy)

c. We must interact often enough for a system to emerge (e.g., I must buy from you to keep you in business and you must have cheese to sell to me)

d. We must have permission to find solutions and opportunities to act.

David A Lane talks in terms of worrying less about the outcome and more about the quality of the interaction.  Indeed, I can go to my local deli and if they don’t have what I want, trust to them to produce something that meets my needs.   I once lived in a country where there was a flour shortage.  When the local bakery opened at 7am, I would go in and ask what is for breakfast? And eat what ever they produced!  Generative:  they were in the bakery business and I was hungry.   We could work out the rest imaginatively!   That is synergistic whereas going into a well stocked supermarket, isn’t really.

Synergy – I think it is an essential idea!