So, are you moody and is that positive?
Last week, I stumbled across a YouTube video of Dr Kay Jamison speaking on her work on Exuberance. Dr Jamison teaches in the States and in Scotland. Her life work has been on mania and depression and she has recently extended her work to the happy, intoxicating feeling of exuberance.
Just listening to here and her language is balm for the soul.
Passion, imagination, greatness – the great, high emotions. We don’t study them in psychology and psychiatry but in theology. We give more credibility to suffering than joy and vital positive emotions.
What are our words for passion for life? Infectious enthusiasm. Contagious joy. Exuberance lures us from common places . . . delight is its own reward. Adventure its own pleasure.
. . . to quicken, draw together, exalt and celebrate.
in that pleasure is power. . . it excites, it delights . .
A leader is a person able to create infectious enthusiasm.
A leader is incapable of being indifferent.