- Image via Wikipedia
I’ve this minute discovered Norwegian blog Human Resources and Social Media, where Vegard Iglebaek asks today – are there any collaborative organizations out there?
I spent much of my career consulting to a variety of multinationals in a regional hub, a career which allowed me to get a sense of how management styles differ by nationality.
Norwegian firms are highly collaborative but also very disciplined. You aren’t allowed to bypass the collaborative process. Nor can you act as a loose cannon. That can be a shock to people from more ill disciplined cultures or cultures where position allows personal license.
I think Vegard is asking a more general question. What are the opportunities in social media? I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about this too and these are my conclusions.
3 issues for HR & #So.ME.
1 Helping conventional organizations use Social Media in their existing structures or take the first baby steps to learn about Social Media.
I have rubric for aggregating #So.ME skills in an organization and slowly assimilating #So.ME expertise in a pragmatic way, if you are interested.
2 Helping #So.ME organizations use conventional management to pursue their more collaborative goals (doing HR and OD for them).
Many of these young organizations need some basic help in putting in management systems. We should take care though to adapt our systems to the nature of their organization. We shouldn’t just copy procedures from old organizations.
3 Understanding the new organizations that will emerge and how they put some of the organizations in 1 out of business (requiring some redundancy work from us.)
I am impressed the US military is using social media quite assertively. For the most part though, it is not enough to tack social media onto the end of an organization as an afterthought.
The correct thinking is to sketch out the value added chain for the whole industry and to ask where #So.ME will be the game changer. Then leap frog to that position creating a vigorous viable organization that is competitive right here, right now.
Choosing the concentration for our own practice
While these three prongs are clear, trying to service all three groups at once can split our attention.
I would love to form a consortium of HR people who use #So.ME so we could each specialize in one area and bring in our colleagues specializing in the other prongs on a project-by-project basis to add depth.
It seems to me though that HR people in #So.ME don’t have confidence in the new zeitgeist. Does it seem like that to you?
We need to put our money where our mouth is. We need to be seen to be working collaboratively (and in as disciplined way as any conventionally collaborative Norwegian organisation). The our clients will readily believe what we say.
Contact me if you are interested!
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