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Avatar as a role description

First day at Xoozya

Today is my first day in a new job and I headed off to HR to sign on the dotted line, get an ID card, and so on and so on and so on.

I had a pleasant surprise.

Induction at Xoozya

Good morning. Welcome, to Xoozya.  So glad you’ve chosen to join us [genuine smile].

To provide autonomy

What we want to do today is introduce you to the communication system so you can navigate and find your way around.


To start you off, we’ve got 10 avatars for you to choose from.

Capture your role and aspirations visually

After you’ve been here a month, and had a chance to settle down, our avatar designer will pop in to see you for half-an-hour every day for a month to help you describe your role in the company.

Annual review

Every year, a year from now in other words, we will ask you to refresh your avatar, and to think through how it has worked for you and how it should change to fit your expanding role in the company.

Internal budgets

You can change your avatar during the year if you wish.  But we will charge you for your use of an avatar designer with Xoozya tokens.  You will also earn Xoozya tokens when you help people out in other ways.

Pay & taxes

Around the 15th of each month, you’ll need to make up your mind how much to pay yourself.

After you have chosen your avatar, we will show you how to log on to the accounting system to direct payment to your bank account.

Internal payments

Around about the 15th of each month, you should also allocate payments to your team leaders and anyone else you think should be hat-tipped.

Visualizing your budget

We have a very nice screen which shows you your budget.

It will show you clearly the budget allocated to you for the financial year,  the pro rata amount for this month, how much tax, insurance and pension you must pay for each dollar you pay yourself when you take money out of Xoozya, how much other people in the organization have hat-tipped you this month and cumulatively for the year, and how much you’ve hat-tipped them.

You can also look at their accounts to see what is the norm.  We visit all the noobes around the 13th of each month till you get the hang of it.

Day 1 Agenda

Agenda for today: let’s choose an avatar.  After that we’ll grab a a coffee and brunch.  Then we’ll have a  look at the accounts.

Avatars as a new world job description

What temporary avatars would you like to choose from on your first day at work?

If you were to capture your role in an avatar, what would it be?

What would you choose to describe yourself in that first month before you know anyone and before you are clear about the details of your role?

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To the ever creative Ned Lawence at Church of Ned who set this train of thought in motion!

To Wang Jian Shuo whose direct requests for links I am copying!

Published in Business & Communities


  1. Gaye Prior Gaye Prior

    Hello Jo. Can’t get RSS feed to work. Using Yahoo address. What gives?

  2. Jo Jordan Jo Jordan

    Just persist Gaye. It comes up with Oops at first. Look for make your own page, top centre, and follow through.

    If you aren’t already using Yahoo, you might prefer to use Google Reader.

  3. Hmmmm…. I would love to have a smiley face as an avatar, who is sitting on a mousepad, visualising tax structures (hmmmm… too functional an avatar). Or how about a coffee mug – someone who awakens thoughts and ideas. Yep, that is it, a nice bright coffee mug, with perhaps a pen instead of a spoon in it.
    What would you be?

  4. Jo Jordan Jo Jordan

    Lubna, those are so cool. Making me laugh here.

    I am distinctly challenged visually. Working on the background for my community website and slowly figuring the principles.

    When we play what kind of a car are you, I always chose a scotch cart. Pulled by bullocks (sometimes) and often by young boys and laden with goods. Horribly functional!

  5. Ned Ned

    In fantasy games, usually you have a choice of becoming a wizard/witch, warrior, healer/priest or a thief. Some games had fancier roles you could play, but those were the basics.

    What role you took would offset your strengths and weaknesses. Like warriors may have super strength, but were not particularly agile.

    From there you would determine your moral alignment. Like chaotic/good or orderly/neutral or chaotic/evil. This determined your relationships with other players and characters in the game. Some games (like Fallout) even had karma ratings.

    After that you would figure out what kind of special weapons or other items you had. A lot of times you would gain special items as you play the game and complete adventures.

    One of the more interesting role playing games was called Cyberpunk back in the late 80s, early 90’s. In that world, you had modern technology and old world magic working together. It was very apocalyptic.

    As an avatar creator, you could use a multitude of persona constructs to develop your character.

    A question one might ask is, “If I could wake up tomorrow and be any person I wanted to be, who would I be?”

    And thanks, Jo… I can use all the help I can get 😀

  6. Jo Jordan Jo Jordan

    Thanks, Ned. This is really helpful. I’ll work it in to the post on drawing the avatar when I get there. As I’ve never really played games, this assignment that I have set myself is really stretching me and leaves me nowhere to write my normal stuff! Slightly bewildered.

    Will back channel you.

  7. I don’t know how I missed it – but you have a new job?!?!!? Well congratulations. Looking forward to seeing how it develops through future blog posts

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