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What is robopsychologist or psychologist of robots?

Jurica Dujomovic (@JDBrandManager) published a description of robot psychology in Market Trends.

I have condensed it quite bit here.

Purpose of robopsychology

Our purpose is to understand AI and actively work on it to develop machines that are efficient, easy to use, and responsive to our purposes.

Tasks of a robopsychologist

  1. Analyse learning and decision-making algorithms and adjust them to function better in real-world scenarios
  2. Teach ethics to AI in a way the machine can understand, “internalize” and prioritize during its decision-making process.
  3. Use algorithms and robots to test theories before they are applied to humans (e.g., similarly to agent-based modelling)

Important value-added tasks of robot psychology

  1. Track learning/decision-making errors and issues that artificial intelligence can’t resolve on its own and adjust a robot’s learning pattern to allow for correction and continuation of the learning process.
  2. Help AI acquire information and enable better decision making.

Watch this space!

Published in Uncategorized


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