So am I going to write that paper or shall I bin it?
In a former life, I might have decided whether to write a paper or not on the basis of the objective merits of the paper. I might even had aspirations that someone might read it. Ha! The average formal paper is read by 7 people. Blogs at least get read if ever so cursorily.
Solidarity and invitation
Galeano makes an important point. The only interaction worth having is horizontal – solidarity.
If I write that paper
Who do I hope to benefit?
Who do I hope to invite in?
And most of all, whose reply do I hope to receive?And why do I want their reply? For personal gain or because I am genuinely interested in what they have to say?
Deeply curious about our audience
Writing is not so much knowing our audience. It is being deeply curious about our audience.
My challenge is clear. Who do I want to hear from?
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