Employers for life
Today, CIPD published a story that we want an employer for life.
Insecurity distracting us from growth
Some people don’t understand the economic numbers and if they don’t, then the responses reported by CIPD spell out for them the meaning of a severe recession.
Employees are grubbing at the bottom of Maslow’s Need Hierarchy.
It’s not much of a life, and we won’t be going any where fast as a country until we reduce the fear and worry about basics.
Employment relations and psychology
We need to get the politics right. We need to get every one to sit down and see what we can keep stable, and keep it stable. Give people as much security as they can so they can plan.
But we also have to learn to function in the “whip and crack of the whirlwind.” Other communities do. We need to as well.
Careers have changed
CIPD was knocking the ‘free agent’ route. Well, UK has not had much of tradition of self-employment or entrepreneurship. We will get panic simply because we don’t have many role models around us.
Let’s take the intrapreneurship route with which we are more familiar.
Before social media
Our CV showed an obedient relationship with authority.
In a social media world
Our CV is our portfolio of original work and our evolving purpose.
What is our evolving purpose?
When we aren’t used to telling our story, explaining our purpose can be the hardest thing in the world.
So often our purpose has been no more than “hitch a ride on a gravy train.”
For too long, we’ve pretended
- we can drive the train
- make gravy
- and that we are welcome on the train.
That is the crisis that we are facing.
But hey, if catching gravy trains is our skill and purpose in life, then at least we can become knowledgeable about gravy trains. When do they come and how do we hop on and hide?
We can write about it. We might have to be like Banksy and keep our identify quiet. But we can write about it. And show he evidence.
To carry on the train metaphor, we can show a picture of us in Edinburgh in the morning and in London in the evening. Of course, “they” will be looking out for us now. No problem. We are the experts. Another route!
Psychologists reading this know where I am headed . . .
Build that portfolio!
You can call your life by any name you choose but there is only one life you can call your own. Start you blog today!
Don’t do anything indiscrete. Begin with the small things. Take a picture of a train.
And then another. Then another.
It’s a cheap hobby at least.
Bet it becomes lucrative though!
“conduct your blooming in the whip & crack of the whirlwind” : Gwendolyn Brooks
“there is only one life you can call your own” : David Whyte
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