It’s October. In January, I found myself with far too much to do.
I tried all the tricks of the trade. I decluttered. I prioritized. I still had too much to do.
At last, I quietened my panic by drawing each goal as a spoke, coming in to a central hub. I marked off months and quarters. And wrote down some milestones.
Bicycle spokes for planning
Inevitably (and it is inevitable), I made heaps of progress. I am sure that resolving my panic was important, if only because I could do something useful with the time that I would otherwise spend panicking!
I am still busy. Horribly busy. Work is cutting in to my sleep as well. So, I am motivated to give my planning system a thorough overhaul.
Umbrella goal
Fortunately, I am much clearer now about what I want to do. I’ve managed to phrase a super-ordinate goal and the many goals that gave me such grief in January, all contribute in their own way. When I make a decision on one project, I’m able to check in my mind how work on that project fits in with the overall goal and all the other projects.
There is a lesson in this, I think. Don’t discard your competing goals. Live with the strain until you can see why you are attracted to apparently conflicting projects.
Eventually the bicycle wheel takes shape as an umbrella!
From wish to intent to action
Now I am more focused, my attention has shifted from goals – to critical mass & priorities.
I could list everything I have to do. I could even put everything on a spreadsheet. But I think I would throw up. There is too much to do and seeing it in one place won’t help.
That kind of planning is better when there are lots of steps that are critical, and when they must be done in a specific, and known, order. That will come later.
Impact vs ease
I had a brain storm last night. I remembered a technique which I learned from Zivai Mushayandebvu in Botswana.
Sort tasks into four piles (2×2):
- What will make a huge impact and is relatively easy to do.
- What will make a huge impact but is hard to do.
- What will make a small impact and is easy to do.
- What will make a small impact and is hard to do.
The first, we do.
The second, we see if we can buy in.
The third, we might get do as filler tasks.
The fourth, we discard.
Keeping it simple, cheap, disposable (and green)
This whole project can be done on the back of old envelopes and a set of shoe boxes. My guess is that the priorities to develop critical mass are going to emerge quite fast.
I am going to try it. Anything rather than the bludgeon of a huge ‘to do’ list.
UPDATE: In another phase of overload, I think I shall rate my tasks like this again!
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