What has Gen Y done to the English language?
There was a time that I would have needed an interpreter to understand my title. After three years’ teaching a large management class (+-900 students) on the South Island of New Zealand, I agree with Scott McArthur, Gen Y rocks.
Dispel the myths about Gen Y
- Far from being out-of-it, as young sociologist Maz Hardey at York University attests, mobile phones represent levels of interaction that our generation can barely comprehend. Games, as I know from talking to young games designers, represent a level of social design beyond anything envisioned by the social engineers working in 60’s and 70’s.
- They don’t vote. But this isn’t lethargy. It is like helicopters blaring out “Paint it Black” as they go into combat. And Forces’ radio “Good morning, Vietnam”. We are seeing a similar attitude and I suspect, a revolution.
Celebrating the new Gen
And about time too. Gen X was horribly out numbered by the boomers. Gen Y is as powerful as the flower power, baby boomers, the contraceptive pill, protests against Vietnam and a VW Kombi. Gen X is also known as the generation without a war. Gen Y have their war. They are turning out for Obama. So let’s see.
As for me, I think Gen Y rocks. The 21st century is looking good!
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