Down-to-earth expressions
I heard the expression “pull people together” today for the first time in a long time. General Colin Powell used it ~ and he is a very down-to-earth man.
Down-to-earth actions
But how many of us have any ability to “pull people together”? When was the last time that you “pulled a group together”?
- What happened?
- What needed to be done?
- How did you focus their attention?
- Why did they listen to you?
- Why did they trust you?
- How did you know they were listening and would continue to listen?
- How did you thank them?
Why don’t you take the lead more often?
Is it because you don’t feel the group is together?
And if so, why don’t you pull them together?
Don’t you believe in them?
And if you don’t, why are you still part of this group?
Or is the problem, you don’t believe in you?
When you no longer believe in you, that is called despair. You want to do something about that. Really. Start doing small things. Little things. Start listing what you love to do. Start listing all the things in the day you would like to repeat. Run some little, little, experiments.
Despair is amenable to repair, but you have to begin, and you have to begin small.
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