“Belonging” is the theme of our age
And we see the theme in contemporary poety: “The House of Belonging” from David Whyte ~ “calling you into the family of things” in Wild Geese by Mary Oliver.
Belonging is a hard concept to grasp
Michael Bauwens has drawn this picture showing different understandings of belonging:
- me as part of a family
- me as in let-me-be!
- me as let-me-be(come)
- And me as going part of the way on the journey with you.
The last is simple explanation of co-creation, the theme of Barbara Sliter’s blog, Co-creatorship, that I came across in the last week or so too.
Belonging in steps
In my own evolving grasp of the concept, I am thinking in THREE steps:
#1 Curiosity
Can I begin the day with curiosity? Which birds are singing? Who is already up-and-about? What will the day bring that is totally unexpected and surprising? No”to do” list for me! Just an early morning welcome to the unknown as it is evolving around me.
#2 Sureness
Can I begin the day with sureness? Can I be sure that my interest in the world will help shape it into a better place, alongside the interest of everyone else. The birds, the cat, the neighbor whose petrol mower is already going and shattering the peace, the motorway 20 miles away, the cup of coffee beckoning, the blogosphere which should be ignored this Saturday . . . That my interest is valued and creates safety for others.
#3 Wholeheartedness
Can I be wholehearted? Can I approach everything I do today with energy, enthusiasm and warmth? Can my wholeheartedness for some or even most of my tasks (it is Saturday!) bring me pleasure and create more energy, enthusiasm, warmth for others, people and tasks?
At the end of the day . . .
Can I look back on a day when we have been surprised at what we have accomplished together?
Is the end of my day about something other than the race that we have won or the people we have vanquished?
Can I be surprised at what we discovered together, and how we continue to surprise each other?
Do we go forward to another day, not dizzy with excitement, but astounded, that we have found hidden depths in ourselves with all our failings and limitations? The hidden depths of ourselves and others.
And do other people feel it too? Not necessarily with bear hugs and noisy applause.
Just gentle appreciation of how much their hopes and dreams, their wholeheartedness, brought warmth and enjoyment to the day for me.