Sometimes my heart feels like a solid rock.
Time to step back and ask if I am going in the wrong direction? Life shouldn’t be this hard.
“The world is made to be free in.” David Whyte
Leave a CommentIt is not innovation that matters, it is agreement. And we might need innovation to reach agreement.
A few days ago, I suggested an experiment in extreme living: deliberately take a job you hate. Why not? Take a job you despise. Become a banker or a politician.
A young member of the coaching world commented irritably – why would we want to do that?
Yes, indeed, all the the advice of the world of personal leadership is the same. Be the person you want to be.
But the hallmark of someone who is utterly self-confident about their ability to find their purpose and meaning in life is that they can acknowledge what they are not. And they experiment with what they are not without fear that it will take over who they are.
First do the simple personality test based on Paulo Coelho’s Virgin, Martyr, Saint or Witch?
Before you click to the other post, here are the three steps.
And if you can’t do one hour, try what you can. 5 minutes?
Over time, the time that you can be what you are not, should grow longer. And your assurance about who you are (with all the ridiculousness and humor of who you are will grow).
Once a week ~ impersonate who you are not?
I woke up this morning from a half-nightmare. I was part of a confused discussion, or meeting, evidently out of doors. Someone thrust a “may pole” into the lawn and asserted: ” It is simple. We all focus.”
I awoke in a fluster thinking, “No, I don’t want to be facing inward looking only at a pole.”
Then, still groggy, I had another thought. The reason why we have schedules and appointments is not to focus our attention.
We have schedules to tell us when to stop. Schedules tell us when when it is time to stop work and pay attention to the world.
A man by the name of Boice, has extensively researched the productivity of academics. Do you know that there is a differential of 7:1 between the best and ordinary academics?
Highly productive academics
Of course, then they go into the office and attend to the busy-work of universities and the complementary work of teaching.
In working regularly every day and STOPPING, they achieve 7 times more than people who “binge” work.
Marcial Losada analysed recordings of business teams making decisions. The best third regularly
Time for me review my working day and say how much of my attention each task can have! When am I going to STOP?
When will I step back from a task and go about other business, attentive to the concerns of the world as they unfold around me?
soothing, relaxing, protective, safe, thank you! NEAVE
Weeks later, I had forgotten about this. Fantastic. You could draw. I just scribble like a frustrated three year old.
UPDATE: Interactive art from London. Fantastically refreshing.
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