(un)classes is a brilliant idea and they deserve to take off. But they are not going to take off in London unless we all the founders a nudge. A bit collective nudge!
Would you email them asking them to stop allocating London, England, to Guildford, Surrey! I’ve explained to them that this won’t do, but I think they need to know that a lot of us “over here” would use their service if they fixed the glitch.
What is an (un)class?
An (un)class is like an (un)conference. It is an informally organized class organized in a big city by whoever would like to teach a class!
The software allows students to arrange classes too, and ask for a teacher.
There is no obligation to pay, but students can voluteer to pay and teachers can ask to be paid. Students could also tip the teacher! That is all left to the teacher and the students to work out among themselves.
Put your bio up
I’ve put mine up and I am waiting for them to fix the glitch! Please email them for me . . .
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