Mood hoovering work
I am a work psychologist and we design work. We are brought up on a diet of (ersatz) experiments and (dated) statistics. That’s not all bad. We are good at operationalizing – taking an idea and saying “what exactly are we going to do“? We find Google Analytics easy to understand.
But we become very bad at people. We even joke that is why we become psychologists. Because people mystify us.
So we set out to learn from people who are good with people.
Psychologists learn from designers
Here are three questions that were blogged as a summary of Bantjes (see that training, pedantically precise!). If we are going to set up mock experiments and tiresome evaluations, I suggest we hold ourselves accountable to these.
Three questions to ask about work or any plan or bossiness about people
Does it bring joy?
Is there a sense of wonder?
Does it evoke curiosity?
Failed at the off
My rendition does none of these things. I can feel the energy hoovered out of me. So do look up Bantjes when the videos on TED Global 2010 come out. And let’s put the fun back into life. Being orderly is good. But being dispiriting is not.
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