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Tag: Youngandfoodish

A burger not a sausage . . . do you know the difference?

Cooks who think

Put me through a Belbin team inventory and I don’t come out cerebral at all.  I’m all action and connection.

But I am a questioner.  Is what we doing important?  Are the important things getting done?  Are the important details attended to?  Are there exciting possibilities that we would love to pursue? I organize people & things in the virtual world of my mind and allow the connections there to prompt my conversations with the world.

So I love it when people introduce me to furniture for my mind.  I can rearrange my virtual world in ways that produce ideas for acting and connecting in the real world, and my life improves in leaps and bounds.

Eating better with thoughtful experiments

Daniel Young of Young & Foodish tweeted a link today on to seriouseats on the effects of salt on meat.

Oh, I am glad that my intuitions about meat and burgers are correct!  For a moment, I thought I had it back-to-front and pressed on to read the entire series of experiments on salt and burgers.  (I did say Daniel is American?)

See for yourself. It is a good series of “lifestyle experiments”.  And st the end, you will know the difference between a sausage and a burger!

I guarantee you will have a more successful barbecues this summer.  Enjoy!

Ah yes!  And a quick subscribe to seriouseats.

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Admirable and well-intentioned, but do people know what you stand for and think you are ready to lead?

Daniel Young of YoungandFoodish has a good turn of phrase.  He describes a hamburger restaurant in London.  What is true for a hamburger is true for us too – don’t you think?

Though admirable and well-intentioned, no one knows what the patty stands for and few think it’s ready to lead

“The one thing holding Byron down is an inclination to avoid extremes and pursue a middle ground: Theirs is the Lib Dem of burgers in the UK:

though admirable and well-intentioned no one knows what the patty stands for and few think it’s ready to lead.

Beneath the constellation of George Nelson bubble lamps there’s everything to like, including good fries and shakes, and nothing to love or hate.

Byron is a concept, not a passion.”


[My italics]



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