Don’t blog in a vacuum – comment on other people’s blogs
Any “coldie” as I have heard people from the 1.0 or cold-war era called, will hesitate to take part in online discussions, and is amazed that “post-coldies” do, and quite happily. Do! Do take part!
I have just discovered Barbara Sliter’s site Creatorship and I discovered it in inimitable 2.0 style. I went to the Chief Happiness Officer blog. Alex was doing something with snow (pardon me I’m from Africa); Steve Roesler was guesting; Galba Bright joined the discussion of one of Steve’s posts; he had a look at one of my blog’s and said you will enjoy . . . You are right. Thank you. I do.
Thanks Galba, Steve, Alex and not least, Barbara. If you are interested in leadership, personal development and real-world applications of complexity theory, you should have Creatorship on your feed reader.
The promise of the 21st century
I know a lot of people my age who are rather gloomy about the way the world is going. Change is certainly in the air. Whether we see it as good or bad, depends on the meaning we perceive and more so, on our intuitions about how we will be connected in the new order of things.
That is why I love Barbara Sliter’s site. She has the gift of pointing to a horizon that welcomes everyone, young and old, experienced and inexperienced, from your country and mine.
One excerpt:
Hello Jo:
I’m glad that you enjoyed Barbara’s site. I’m still musing your comment about how coaches can become changed by coaching. I also wrote more about my “how do you feel” point yesterday. Thank you very much for the link. BTW, I was born in Siera Leone, resided in the UK for several years and I’ve lived in Jamaica for the past 11 years, so I can relate to your observations about moving from country to country. May I ask, are you really from Africa, as you state?
Hi Galba
It took me a while to figure out I should be looking at the power point insert. Got it now. I like it and will think more fully about it today.
Yep, not fibbing. Born there, schooled there, worked there. You are used to people winding other people up? I had students do that in NZ. Everyone with African connections would leap on the post!
While I was looking for something else on TED, I can across this: Ron Eglash African fractals, in buildings and braids. My maths isn’t up to this. I will have to watch this ten times before I fully get to grips with it!
Thanks for commenting. It is heart warming.
Hello Jo:
I’ll happily skip the fractals. You might enjoy slideshare. They have some web 2.0 groups there.