- Image via CrunchBase
Arrgh! Interview preparation!
The worst thing about preparing for a job interview is the time it takes. Google “job interview preparation” and it will take you a good half-an-hour just to pick out some good resources.
Then, you have to wade your way through the article. And you are no better off! It’s like learning to drive from a manual.
Down the right hand side of the screen, Google helpfully lists adverts for career coaches who help you practice for job interviews. They may save you some time.
Practice your interview over the internet
Hmm, but no coaches who practice over the internet. I’ll do it for you, if you like.
- Email me your job description and the “person specification“.
- I’ll email you back 5 questions to prepare.
- And I will ask you another 3 questions that you must answer without preparation.
- We’ll connect at an pre-arranged time through Skype.
- And I will give you feedback.
EXECUTIVE : 100 pounds (for preparation, interview & feedback)
PROFESSIONAL: 50 pounds (for preparation, interview & feeback)
SCHOOL-LEAVER or OPERATIONAL: 33 pounds (for preparation, interview & feedback).
Contact Me
- Email me with suggested times and your questions on jo dot working2.0 at gmail dot com.
- I’ll confirm a time and answer your questions.
- If you are happy, you can send me your job description.
- I’ll need around 24 hours notice.
Look Me Up
My professional profile is at Jo Jordan on Linkedin.
Let’s get this done!
PS This post was made to test Google Adwords. If you do need interview preparation, do let me know. I may be able to refer someone who lives in your area who can help you practice.