Some of us count; some of us write
I’ve always been better with numbers than words, far better. I like organizing things. I like getting answers. But here’s an interesting thing.
But counting is evidently not enough
When I work on long number-crunching projects, I doodle. I cover pages and pages of scrap paper with odd words effectively just practising my hand-writing.
And I write with both hands. My left hand is almost as good as my right.
I don’t do this when I am writing a lot. Perhaps I worry then that I am reading too much, but I don’t doodle.
Counting cuts us off from the conversation
Another dreary thing is that when I am number-crunching, I have nothing to write about. In so far as writing is a conversation, at least with a fictitious other, we have nothing to say when we are crunching numbers on confidential data on a project that will take weeks.
So I doodle.
Talk I must. It’s human.
And now I write. Because if I am going to waste time, I may as well do it in whole sentences.