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Tag: Google

Misunderstandings are so informative!

We are what we say and do

When your eyes are tired, no part of the world can find you  . . .”  so says poet, David Whyte.  David Whyte doesn’t blog, but he has unwittingly captured the essence of the blogging and the inature of the internet age courtesy of Larry and Sergei at Google.

This was a massive insight prior to the Google search engine.  In today’s world, anything & everything we do leaves a trace – a picture, a comment, a blog post.

That worries many people. And sometimes it should. Just because Google says “first do no evil”, does not mean that there is no evil out ther.e

But if we don’t do, if we sit at home talking to no one, then there is no one and nothing to be found.

People looking for ideas, explanation, activity, colloboration – even things – only discover us if we have left a trace.

The search words that bring you to my blog tell me a lot about you .  .  . and me

The search words that bring people to our blogs bring that home.  People search for strange things.  Many people want to take a test to find out if they are good looking.  This sentence may draw them to this post.

Simply, people don’t discover us for what we think we said.  They discover us for what they think we said. And if we didn’t say it, there is nothing to discover.  We are don’t exist. We are simply not there!

We have two choices:

  • Be silent and be, well not ignored, but not known at all.
  • Be misunderstood and be noticed.

Surely the latter is better.  When someone has noticed, then we can can engage in a conversation.  And they way they misunderstand us tells us heaps about them.

Misunderstandings are so informative!

Enjoy.  Maybe we should keep a curiosity diary.  What really surprised me today and what I should ask some more questions about?


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How did New Zealand game Google?

Type Google UK into Google.  The result is

Type Google Australia into Google.  The result is

Now type in Google Egypt, or Google South Africa, and even Google Ireland.

What is the result?

How have the New Zealanders gamed Google? Tourism is the No. 1 export in New Zealand and they are successfully diverting Google-traffic to themselves.

Who is the first SEO to explain in plain and simple language how they did this?  You’ll win the “hot-****” accolade.

And the New Zealanders who gamed Google are likely to offer you a LARGE contract!

UPDATE:  6 December 2009.  This doesn’t work anymore.  I wonder how the Kiwis pulled it off.

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Eric Schmidt talking to Gary Hamel

Listen (no pun intended – 70 minutes).



Eric Schmidt is the CEO of Google.  Gary Hamel is a Professor of Management at Harvard.  Schmidt’s main message is that leaders of innovative organizations like Google must listen, listen, listen.  A good listen!