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Tag: scientific journalism

If you have never lived through a day like this before, remember what if feels like to see history turn

Sea Cliff Bridge Water by Jon... in 3D via FlickrEmperor’s Clothes

I am not sure that the content of Wikileaks is really much to write home about and I still see the reaction as being a classic case of Emperor’s Clothes.  It seems the Guardian has the same view.

Scientific Journalism

But I do take Assange’s point that Wikileaks has ushered in an era of scientific journalism.  Yes, it is good to have evidence for what we write about and what we believe in.

Who has put the frighteners on Amazon and Paypal?

I can’t see why Amazon, Paypal etc are running scared.  Who is putting pressure on them?  And why?

As for delayed warrants of arrest  . . .

As for the extradition, I am afraid I believe Assange’s lawyer.  The Swedish authorities have had more than three months to issue that warrant.  It is sub judice now but I am curious to know what questions are asked by British judges.

If you have never lived through a turning point in history . . .

This is one of these moments when history turns.  We are in a room that turns cold as everyone realizes that we are a fork in the road from which there is no return.  We go this way or that.  Let’s hope it is not that.

Remember the feeling . . .

As we get older, we accumulate experience and we recognize the signs.  And the deep dread of prolonged trouble ahead.

Remember the feeling. It is one of those visceral reactions to life that you should never forget.

Good luck to everyone.  We are going to need it.

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