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Tag: ten years

What comes after business as usual?

Where were you in February 1999?

Mmm, that was three countries and four cities away.  I had to go through my backups to remind myself of the hopes, dreams, goals and uncertainities that swirled around me then.

Why didn’t we see this coming?

The ClueTrain Manifesto: The End of Business as Usual was published TEN years ago, would you believe?  Here is a modern day slideshow that helps you skim the 95 theses in comfort.

What was I doing then?  Why didn’t I read the Manifesto and pay attention?

Well I was busy.  That’s my story and I’m sticking to it!  What were you doing then?

So what comes next?

What do you think the world will look like in 2019?

What are the trends that are emerging and that will be sustained by our common interest and agreement?

What do we trust each other absolutely and entirely to do?

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