Basics of HR Planning & Design
I am tidying up (again) and I thought I would post a revision crib sheet that I made for students of HRM.
HR Planning & Design of HR System
What is HR planning? (mention supply, demand and matching actions)
How do we understand and project demand for HR? (pattern of sales, technology)
Is demand for HR a fixed number (such as 3 engineers)?
How can we understand and project supply of HR? (internally and externally)
Is supply of HR a fixed number?
Match demand & supply
How do we match demand for HR that we are pretty certain about?
How can we match demand for HR that is volatile/that we are uncertain about?
How else can we improve the match of supply and demand of HR?
Metrics: How well do we match supply & demand?
What metrics doe we use to monitor our success in matching supply and demand in HR? (think HR Costs and Sales Revenue)
UPDATE: If you need an example, here is a link to planning for surgeons in the NHS.