I’m reading David Whyte‘s The Heart Aroused. It’s profound. It’s illuminating. It connects all the many facets of contemporary management theory: poetry, the positive movement, the mytho-poetic school and hard core complexity theory. It’s difficult to summarize though
Today, Bukik left a comment on this blog. Most of his work is in Indonesian ~ which I can’t read. But some is in English.
From Bukik’s site, I learned this:
“While I dance
I cannot judge
I cannot hate
I cannot separate myself from life.
I can only be joyful and whole.
That is why I dance.”
Hans Bos
I tried to discover who Hans Bos is. Maybe an American living in Illinois? I would like to know.
Thanks to Bukik, I have a good quotation to illustrate the contemporary quantum idea and older eastern idea that we are our relationship with the world. And almost paradoxically, our relationship with the world is good when we dance, and dance.
Dance in any way you know how.
A good thought for a Sunday morning and good respite from reading economic reports.