- Image by luc legay via Flickr
Jon Ingham is on to something good.
How can we leap-frog ahead of our competition by using social media?
How can the easy interaction between staff members, whether on the intranet or on Facebook and Twitter, build a stronger team?
How does our combined strength on Facebook and Twitter build more loyal links between us and our customers?
New IT has always give competitive edge
IT boffins have always been brilliant at looking at how a new technology allows us to put old working practices in the trash, leap-frog over our competitors, leaving them in a mad scramble to catch up.
The social nature of the two-way web gives us the opportunity to jettison old norms about social structure and leap ahead with tighter relations.
Who will win the social media race?
One of the interesting features of these revolutions is that it is usurpers who tend to use new technologies.
Barack Obama used my.barackobama.com to mobilise door-to-door canvassers and to raise money $ by $ because he was coming from behind. The Conservatives have been quicker to jump on the social media band wagon because they are trying to wrest the lead from Labour.
In business, we see Best Buy coming in to challenge big box companies with their ‘pull’ HR – work any time like a university lecturer – just get it done.
We see students playing David and successfully challenging the Goliath HSBC.
HR is taking its place with leading IT
Jon is chairing a session at the Social Media in Business conference on October 23rd. He will be surrounded by geeks who will tell you the ins-and-outs of being found on Google and managing your blogging policy.
HR is taking up the chance to be strategic
Jon is doing what I’ve always liked doing: asking how can we change the rules to give us permanent competitive edge?
How do the people, and the way we arrange them, give us and edge on our competitors? How can we take our competitors by surprise and make them chase us?
Oh what fun business is when we treat it as a race!