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Tag: Midlife

Poets advice for surviving the financial crisis

In the middle of the road of my life, I awoke in the dark wood where the true way was wholly lost.

Dante in the Inferno

Mid-life crises, sudden loss, tragedies, and world-wide financial crises are certainly different in degree, and different in content.  But they have one thing in common.

They are unpleasant to experience.  We feel that we have lost our way.  And we have a vague yet pervasive feeling that there isn’t a way and that we were mistaken to believe that there is.

David Whyte, British corporate poet, explores this experience in poetry and prose, and uses stories and poems about his own life to illustrate the rediscovery of our sense of direction, meaning and control.

Using his ideas and the ideas of philosophers and poets before him, we are able to refind our balance, and live through the financial crisis, meaningfully and constructively.

Come with me!

David Whyte has a 2 disk CD, MidLife and the Great Unknown.

If you get a copy of his CD, I will listen to it with you.  And we can discuss it online?

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David Whyte

David Whyte :  Born in Yorkshire, of Irish descent, David Whyte is a marine biologist, NGO worker, turned poet who writes about our relationship with work

He is a little guarded about his poetry but you can find  odd snippets on the web. If you haven’t encountered his work, I recommend you buy his CD, Midlife and the Great Unknown.

I’ve added a link to his wide range of works on Amazon and listed other posts on this blog related to his work.


Your frontiers

How our earlier training as psychologists inhibits our understanding of positive psychology

Priorities and goals

The Desiderata

Importance of recreation

Tough concepts in positive psychology: Whose competence is being tested in an interview

Deciding what to do is the hard part. Doing it is the easy part

Hope and the great chasm

Synergy is undervalued

Putting Humpty back together again is the psychologist’s challenge

The Sun – David Whyte


Is this a new poem by David Whyte?

Great quotations

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Consider your career shift this weekend!

David Whyte on YouTube

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Poets advice for surviving the financial crisis

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3 steps when goals seem out of our reach

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UPDATE:  I’m happy to add some downloads here linking the poetry, particularly of David Whyte, to contemporary management. Removed.

I am currently reading The Heart Aroused.  I really recommend it as a an overview of modern views on management.  If you mean to get into positive organizational scholarship or positive psychology or the Edge Economy and networked competing supply chains, crowd-sourced solutions and cognitive surplus, you need to read this book.

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